



Develop the skills to visually represent data and information through compelling and informative infographics.


Infographics are visual representations of information, data, or knowledge designed to present complex information quickly and clearly. They blend text, images, and graphics to communicate a message or tell a story in a visually appealing and easily understandable format. Infographics are widely used across various fields to simplify complex concepts, showcase statistics, or convey information in a concise and engaging manner.

Key features of infographics include:

Visual Elements :   Infographics leverage visual elements such as icons, illustrations, charts, graphs, and images to enhance understanding and retention of information.

Textual Content :   While infographics are visual in nature, they often include concise text to provide context, explanations, or key points. The text is typically brief and strategically placed to complement the visual elements.

Hierarchy and Flow :   Infographics use design principles like hierarchy and flow to guide the viewer's eye through the information in a logical and sequential manner. This helps convey a story or message effectively.

Colour Scheme :   Infographics use color strategically to highlight key points, differentiate sections, and create a visually appealing overall design. Color choices can impact the mood and perception of the information.

Simplification of Information :   The primary goal of infographics is to simplify complex information, making it more accessible to a broad audience. They break down information into digestible chunks.

Customisation :   Infographics are highly customisable, allowing creators to adapt the design to suit the content and the target audience. They can be tailored for different purposes, such as educational materials, marketing collateral, or data analysis.

Shareability :   Infographics are often shared on social media, websites, and presentations due to their engaging nature. They are effective for capturing attention and encouraging social sharing.

Variety of Types :   Infographics come in various types, including informational, statistical, process-oriented, comparison, and timeline infographics. Each type serves a specific purpose in presenting information.

Brand Identity :   Organisations often use infographics as part of their branding strategy. Consistent use of colours, fonts, and design elements reinforce identity.

Online and Print Use :   Infographics are versatile and can be used both online and in print. They are commonly found in blog posts, reports, presentations, and educational materials.

Tools like Adobe Illustrator, Canva, Piktochart, and Venngage are commonly used to create infographics, making the design process accessible to individuals without extensive graphic design skills. Infographics are particularly valuable when there's a need to convey information quickly and engage audiences who may prefer visual content over traditional text.

Module 1: Introduction to Infographics

  1. Understanding the role and significance of infographics
  2. Exploration of different types of infographics
  3. Case studies of successful infographics in various industries
  4. Introduction to design principles relevant to infographics
  5. Overview of tools and software for creating infographics

Module 2: Planning and Ideation for Infographics

  1. Defining goals and objectives for infographics
  2. Identifying target audiences and tailoring designs accordingly
  3. Conducting research and collecting relevant data
  4. Brainstorming and ideation techniques for effective infographic concepts
  5. Storyboarding and planning the visual narrative

Module 3: Design Principles and Visual Elements

  1. Fundamentals of graphic design applicable to infographics
  2. Proper use of colour, typography, and layout
  3. Selecting and creating visual elements (icons, illustrations, charts)
  4. Establishing a visual hierarchy for information flow
  5. Techniques for maintaining consistency and readability

Module 4: Tools and Software for Infographics Design

  1. In-depth exploration of popular infographic design tools (Adobe Illustrator, Canva, Piktochart, etc.)
  2. Hands-on exercises and tutorials for creating basic and advanced infographic elements
  3. Tips and tricks for efficient workflow and collaboration in design software
  4. Incorporating data visualization tools for statistical infographics

Module 5: Infographics Optimization and Distribution

  1. Reviewing and refining infographics for clarity and impact
  2. Guidelines for responsive design and adaptability to different platforms
  3. Strategies for optimizing infographics for online and print use
  4. Creating compelling captions and headlines
  5. Planning and executing a distribution strategy for infographics

Course Format :

Each module will include theoretical lectures, hands-on design exercises, and group discussions. Guest lectures from experienced infographic designers and industry professionals. Design critiques and feedback sessions for continuous improvement. Online resources and forums for collaborative learning and sharing of designs. Final project involving the creation of a comprehensive infographic portfolio.


  1. Regular assessments based on participation, design assignments, and quizzes.
  2. Evaluation of the final infographic portfolio project.
  3. Peer feedback and collaborative project assessments.
  4. Overall engagement in discussions and practical design sessions.


Basic understanding of graphic design concepts. Access to a computer with relevant design software. By the end of this course, participants will have acquired advanced skills in planning, designing, and optimizing infographics for various purposes. They will be equipped to create visually compelling and effective infographics that convey information with impact.



Prompt Styling for AI Tools

Uncover the secrets of effective communication in the age of AI, learning to create content that resonates with both humans and machines.

Writing for Digital

Learn to craft engaging and effective digital content, adapting your writing style to suit various online platforms

Social Media Content Making:

Enhance your social media presence by mastering the art of creating shareable and engaging content.

Journalism AI:

Explore the intersection of journalism and artificial intelligence, understanding how AI is shaping the future of news reporting.