


Data Journalism

Dive into the world of data-driven storytelling, exploring how to analyse and present information effectively.


Data journalism is a form of journalism that involves the use of data, statistics, and visualizations to tell compelling and insightful stories. It combines traditional journalistic skills, such as research, investigation, and storytelling, with data analysis and visualization techniques to uncover trends, patterns, and insights within large sets of information. Data journalism is driven by the belief that data can enhance the storytelling process, providing audiences with a deeper understanding of complex issues.

Key features of data journalism include:

Data Collection :   Journalists collect and gather data from various sources, including government agencies, public records, surveys, and other datasets. This data can be both quantitative and qualitative, providing a foundation for analysis.

Data Analysis :   Journalists analyze the collected data to identify trends, outliers, correlations, and other patterns. This process may involve statistical analysis, data mining, and the use of specialized tools and software.

Visualisation :   Visualisations, such as charts, graphs, maps, and infographics, are created to communicate complex data in a more accessible and engaging manner. Effective visualisations help audiences grasp the key insights without requiring advanced data analysis skills.

Storytelling :   Data journalists use storytelling techniques to communicate their findings in a compelling and accessible way. They contextualize the data, provide background information, and craft narratives that resonate with their audience.

Interactivity :   Some data journalism projects incorporate interactive elements, allowing readers or viewers to explore the data on their own. Interactive graphics, maps, and tools enhance engagement and provide a more personalized experience.

Transparency :   Data journalism emphasises transparency in the reporting process. Journalists often share the raw data, methodologies, and sources, allowing audiences to verify the information and draw their own conclusions.

Accountability and Investigation :   Data journalism is often used to investigate and hold institutions, organizations, or individuals accountable. It can uncover hidden trends, disparities, or discrepancies that may not be immediately apparent.

Collaboration :   Data journalism often involves collaboration between journalists with different expertise, including data analysts, designers, and domain experts. This interdisciplinary approach enhances the quality and depth of the reporting.

Educational Value :   Data journalism has educational value, helping the public develop data literacy skills. It encourages critical thinking about data and promotes a more informed citizenry.

Impact :  Well-executed data journalism has the potential to have a significant impact on public awareness, policy discussions, and decision-making. It can influence public opinion, shape debates, and drive change.

Data journalism has become increasingly prevalent as access to large datasets and tools for analysis has expanded. It plays a vital role in modern journalism by providing a data-driven perspective on important issues and fostering a deeper understanding of complex topics.

Module 1: Introduction to Data Journalism

  1. Overview of data journalism and its significance in contemporary media
  2. Historical context and evolution of data-driven storytelling
  3. Key principles of data journalism, including accuracy, transparency, and storytelling
  4. Examples of successful data journalism projects and their impact
  5. Introduction to basic data concepts and terminology

Module 2: Data Collection and Cleaning

  1. Techniques for collecting data from various sources (government datasets, surveys, public records, etc.)
  2. Introduction to data cleaning and preprocessing methods
  3. Addressing challenges in data collection and ensuring data quality
  4. Ethical considerations in handling and sourcing data
  5. Hands-on exercises in data collection and cleaning using common tools

Module 3: Data Analysis and Visualisation

  1. Basics of data analysis and statistical concepts for journalists
  2. Using data analysis tools (such as Excel) for journalistic purposes
  3. Creating effective data visualisations (charts, graphs, maps, etc.)
  4. Guidelines for choosing appropriate visualisations for different types of data
  5. Practical exercises in data analysis and visualisation.

Module 4: Storytelling with Data

  1. Principles of effective storytelling in data journalism
  2. Crafting narratives from data insights
  3. Integrating data visualizations into compelling storytelling
  4. Case studies of successful data-driven stories
  5. Group projects to develop and present a data-driven story

Module 5: Ethical Considerations and Impact of Data Journalism

  1. Ethical considerations in data journalism, including privacy and data security
  2. Transparency in reporting: sharing methodologies, sources, and raw data
  3. Evaluating the impact of data journalism on public awareness and decision- making
  4. Challenges and opportunities in the field of data journalism
  5. Final project: Developing a comprehensive data journalism project with ethical considerations

Course Format :

Each module will include theoretical lectures, hands-on practical exercises, and interactive discussions. Guest speakers from the field of data journalism sharing insights and real-world experiences. Group projects to apply data journalism concepts learned in each module. Online resources and forums for collaborative learning and discussion. Final project presentation involving the execution of a complete data journalism project.


  1. Regular assessments based on participation, quizzes, and hands-on exercises.
  2. Evaluation of the final data journalism project and presentation.
  3. Peer feedback and collaborative project assessments.
  4. Overall engagement in discussions and practical sessions.


Basic understanding of journalism principles. Access to a computer with internet access. Familiarity with basic data concepts is recommended but not mandatory. By the end of this course, participants will have developed the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively gather, analyse, and communicate data-driven stories. They will be equipped to contribute to the field of data journalism by producing impactful and ethically sound narratives based on data insights.



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Writing for Digital

Learn to craft engaging and effective digital content, adapting your writing style to suit various online platforms

Social Media Content Making:

Enhance your social media presence by mastering the art of creating shareable and engaging content.

Journalism AI:

Explore the intersection of journalism and artificial intelligence, understanding how AI is shaping the future of news reporting.